australian filter protest

Australian Censorship Protests

So it would be great if we could get some more ad-like videos made that people could put on their blogs etc. highlighting the Government’s proposal to put a mandatory filter across all Australian ISPs. I think there are a number of ways we can attack this issue, but we have to overcome people’s perception that this is protecting their children. I wanted to get across that in fact what we are stunting innovation and education in Australia and turn the fact that this is “good for our kids” on its head (it’s late cliches and badly formed sentences are allowed). Let me know what you think of this approach 🙂 Be nice, I know it’s YouTube! For more information – please go to Please note, though I am on the AWIA committee and helped put that site together, this is a personal video. PS All images used in this video are used under creative commons. Links to original images can be found here: