Operation titstorm anti censorship


25 thoughts on “Operation titstorm anti censorship”

  1. I want to give you a hug. What is wrong with the people in Australia’s government? These new laws wouldn’t have anything to do with that asshole Michael Atkinson, would it? The guy responsible for banning video games. Well, I hope the protests go well, and you have my sympathies for living in a very prudish country.

  2. what fucking right do they have to invade our privacy, why dont they just watch us take a shit aswell. they arnt allowed to do that its against human rights

  3. God damned stupid Australian theofascist pigs! These Christian fucks should move to Iran if they want to live in a fucking theocracy.

  4. LOL small breasts and female ejaculation censored???? This just gets more and more fucked up. Stephen Conroy is out of touch with western society and clearly needs some action in the bedroom.FUCK!

  5. God damned fucking Christian theofascists think they can get away with eliminating people’s rights, liberties, and freedoms because their Christanic gods want them to. FUCK the Australian piles of theofascist shits!

    Go, Anonymous! Kicking fascist ass! Kicking Scientology crime syndicate ass!

    (Somebody has to do it.)

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