Australian Censorship.


29 thoughts on “Australian Censorship.”

  1. P2P can and often is used for good its many Linux distros are sent out on it coz it saves a fuckload of bandwith dont hate the p2p just hate the pirates

  2. The problem is that all hardcore porn and fetish material are already effectively banned in most of Australia, they don’t classify it under anything and put it under so called “refuse classification”, it is stuff you are not supposed to have in Australia by law… so there have already being a form of dictatorship in Australia, it just haven’t been enforced on the net!!! 🙁

  3. If this censorship crap goes through they will block hardcore porn and fetish sites as well as flash games. Why should it be in their power to stop people from looking at that? Hell, if your children are looking up stuff like that, ban them from the bloody computer! It is a personal responsability to take chare of children parents should know that. The Government is simply trying to inforce its over protective opinions on the Australian people. It is a form of dictatorship and should be stopped.

  4. Our internet is shit , especally broadband.
    Shit ass speeds , and usage limits…this is fa fucking disgrace

  5. Yeah fucking internet filtering , and fuck australian broadband , shit speed , bandwidth limits.

  6. And all those P2P traffics are leave intact, while the web, where the general public NOT the pedophiles uses, gets filtered and slow down… it is like banning knifes in all kitchens while allowing actual murderers to carry guns around…

  7. Small numbers lol

    1% of the internet at the moment is still over 20 million websites blocked wrongly.

  8. I know a way to keep questionable material from getting to your children.

    Turn the fucking pc off and stop using it as a babysitter.

  9. Now the Child porns…Then Next?
    What Would You Censor Next?

    You Australia Coming closer to the nation of communist.

  10. Yeah, was thinking about moving to Australia, but there’s absolutely no way I’d move to a country with such a retarded system in place. Anyone who has a rudimentry understanding of the internet knows this is a bad idea, unfortunately the people who make the laws obviously don’t use the internet.

  11. It is possible to get a machine in the US and just use that as your internet gateway in Australia… I have planned to do this with a few friends and if you like you can join us.

  12. Already happens, they also block mails with certain politically sensitive words.

    There’s no warning or notice, the mails just disappear without sending.

    Lets get this Internet censorship out before it goes global.

  13. nah. they have to go through each email provider, so, like – bigpond email might be filtered – i know microsoft and google’s hasn’t been yet.

  14. This is one of thing things that makes you go Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

    I told all my friends that we shall start using PGP encrypted eMail, nobody listened!!!

  15. This is only half,

    The government also now filters your mail in hopes of finding terroist mail.

    We are slowing turning into comunists thanks to our government.

  16. I wonder what the other reasons why the Government wants to do this.
    If they’re keeping it a low profile, then it’s obviously not just about the Child Pornography.

  17. I have added a few links that has lots of speculation and information on this. Yes a lot of stuff are speculation because the damn government are trying to keep it as low profile as possible and calls people who are against it as being “speculative” at best, and “sick child porn bastards” at worst. Of course it is all speculative at this moment, they don’t talk anything about it at all!!!

    Anyway I’ll make a video on this later to discuss what I have found.

  18. This is only half,

    The government also now filters your mail in hopes of finding terroist mail.

    We are slowing turning into comunists thanks to our government.

  19. I wonder what the other reasons why the Government wants to do this.
    If they’re keeping it a low profile, then it’s obviously not just about the Child Pornography.

  20. Already happens, they also block mails with certain politically sensitive words.

    There’s no warning or notice, the mails just disappear without sending.

    Lets get this Internet censorship out before it goes global.

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